Question by Kranitkari News Reporter : No one took the voice against cow butchers and for stopping cow killing in India between 1966 to 1986
Satish Kumar : In 1966 Indira Gandhi went to Sant Karpatri Ji Maharaj to seek blessings
So Kipatri ji Maharaj said that if your government is formed then you will have to stop cow slaughter in the country. So Indira Gandhi accepted this, then blessed her and she became the prime minister of the country. , When Kirpatriji Maharaj asked him to fulfill his promise, Indira Gandhi hesitated.
After a few days, reminded me again, 5-6 months have passed by doing this.
The one who was Kipatri Ji Maharaj got angry, so he gathered lakhs of saints of the country and surrounded the Parliament. Instead of listening to them, Indira Gandhi ordered the police to shoot. Where thousands of sadhus were shot and killed.
So this was the biggest Killing incident in the country, where a Prime minister directly ordered the police.
So Sant Karpatri ji Maharaj had cursed Indra Gandhi by keeping Ganga water in his palm, just like you have killed innocent cow vigilantes, you and your family will also die unjust pearls.
And his death will be on the day of Gopashtami so that history remembers this.
You must have seen, the day of Indira Gandhi's assassination and the day of Gopashtami when Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated was the day of Gopashtami. That too was the day of Gopashtami. When Sanjay Gandhi died, it was also the day of Gopashtami, 20 years passed after that day. No one who Bhagat, the institution raised the voice to stop the killing of Gomata.
Created so much fear in the country, were afraid to take the name of Gaya, 20 years after that my Guru Maharaj Baba Shravan Das Ji Maharaj of Golok blessed me, this work is to stop cow slaughter, it is your duty.
So he gave me many boons that the butcher will never be able to touch you, the same has been going on till today with the blessings of Guru Maharaj.
Where the police is afraid to go, he alone has saved hundreds of cows.